Risk assessment of major accidents regarding sites using hazardous materials (SEVESO)

The EU issued the first SEVESO directive in 1982 (subsequent amendments followed during the upcoming years), regulating the official authorization of hazardous plant’s operation. This directive has determined national regulations, including, but not limited to Hungarian law, as of the 2011 CXXVIII. Statute and implementation thereof by the 219/2011 (X.20.) Government Decree.

The main element in determining the degree of danger is the maximum amount of dangerous substances present at the operator's site at any time. For classified substances or mixtures belonging to different hazard classes, upper and lower threshold values were defined. Based on the above facts, Safety Analysis is required for sites using hazardous substances belonging to lower-level classification and Safety Report is required for sites reaching the upper-level threshold in Hungary.

The main element in determining the degree of danger is the maximum amount of dangerous substances present at the operator's site at any time. For classified substances or mixtures belonging to different hazard classes, upper and lower threshold values were defined. Based on the above facts, Safety Analysis is required for sites using hazardous substances belonging to lower-level classification and Safety Report is required for sites reaching the upper-level threshold in Hungary.

CK-Trikolor provides customers with safety documentation in this field, according to local regulations, meeting format and content requirements, including Safety Analysis, Safety Report and SAPP, accordingly.